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The weigh of la ilaha illallah |
The belief in the words of “Lá iláha illallah” cause one to enter Islam, to refute all deities and accept Allah as the only God and Lord of the Universe and what it contains. No one can be a Muslim without believing and adhering to the tenets of of Lá iláha illallah.
iláha illallah is the
belief in the divine lordship of Allah (referred to as “ruboobiyyah”), meaning believing that Allah is the only one
power who creates, gives life and death,
and maintains the affairs of all that’s in this universe.
iláha illallah is the
belief in the divine nature (referred to as “uloohiyyah”), meaning believing that Allah is the only one
to whom people should devote their words and actions of worship. None therefore
should be worshiped but Him.
iláha illallah is the
belief in the names and attributes of Allah (referred
to as “al-asma’
wa’l-sifaat”), which means affirming what Allah has affirmed for
Himself of names and attributes, and denying any attributes that Allah has said
are not His, without denying any of His attributes or likening any of His
attributes to the attributes of any of His creation.
excerpts of the sermon that follows later in this post is on the topic of Lá iláha illallah and
was delivered by the Muslim leader Umar bin Abdul Aziz who sometimes is
considered as the fifth caliph in Islam. He was from the Umayyad dynasty and
ruled the Muslims from 717 to 720 CE. He was the great-grandson of the
companion of the Prophet
Muhammad, Umar bin Al-Khattab. Within Islamic history, he was known to be extremely pious
and disdainful of worldly luxuries. He preferred simplicity to the extravagance
that had become a hallmark of the Umayyad lifestyle, depositing all assets
meant for the caliph into the public treasury. He abandoned the caliphate
palace and instead preferred to live in modest dwellings.
Umar bin Abdul Aziz delivered the
sermon (excerpts follow) on assuming the leadership of the Muslims and
highlights the importance of living by the tenets of Láiláha illallah.
praise is due to Alláh, Who opened the doors of knowledge to those who strived
in His worship by granting them the key that is Lá iláha illallah (there is no
deity worthy of worship except Alláh).
resurrected the hearts of the knowledgeable worshippers and filled the cups of
those who always remember Him from the fountain of Lá iláha illallah.
perfected the creation, brought them into existence and sealed this perfection
with Lá iláha illallah.
He Who
created the fetus from a worthless fluid (semen) so that mankind may worship
Him with Lá iláha illalláh.
sent the Messengers to deliver the good news of this Word Lá iláha illalláh and
to warn against whatever contradicts it and to understand its implications.
iláha illalláh is the pillar of the religion and the Thick Rope of Alláh; those
who adhere to Lá iláha illalláh will never earn failure.
the minds of the ignorant ones were led astray and the hearts of the stubborn
infidels have earned misguidance on account of their taking two gods, even
after the full moon of Lá iláha illallah has risen.
know (O Muhammad SAW) that La
ilaha ill-Allah (none
has the right to be worshipped but Allah), and ask forgiveness for
your sin, and also for (the sin of) believing men and believing women.” Quran
(peace be upon him) embraced this word and declared it. So! Fear Alláh the
Exalted and renew
your faith by
night and by day by contemplating the meanings of Lá iláha illalláh.
O you
who have wisdom! Seek your means of (eternal) success granted only to the
people of Lá iláha illalláh.
Lá iláha illalláh is the Word of Islam and the key to the Dwelling of Peace
the heavens and earth would never have remained, nor would anyone acquire
safety on the Day of Gathering except by Lá iláha illalláh.
humankind divided into two parts and went two separate ways: a group of them
adhered to Lá iláha illalláh and the other group strayed away from it. They
refused it because they knew that the religion of their ancestors would be annulled
if they embraced Lá iláha illalláh. All praise is due to He Who made His slaves
different from each other with His Wisdom and Will. Indeed, this is one of the
proofs to Lá iláha illalláh.
(a tree in Paradise) is for those who know the meaning of this testimonial,
agree with it and practice its implication inwardly and outwardly. By doing so,
they would be realizing and tasting the true essence of Lá iláha illalláh.
Verily, woe to those who were driven
by the devil to
fall into polytheism! They became filled to the top with associating others
with Alláh in worship and consequently refused with arrogance to submit to Lá
iláha illalláh. Have
you not heard Alláh’s Statement?
those whom they invoke instead of Him have no power of intercession; except
those who bear witness to the truth (i.e. believed in the Oneness of Allah, and
obeyed His Orders), and they know (the facts about the Oneness of Allah).” Quran
The true essence of Lá iláha
illalláh entails directing all acts of worship, intentions and thoughts to
Alláh Alone rather than any other object. All other objects of worship are
annulled and refuted by Lá iláha illalláh. This is what is meant by disbelieving
in Taghut and believing in Alláh Alone, and this is how the heart is purified
of anything that is not for Alláh Alone, and cleansed from the intention to
commit whatever Alláh has prohibited or dislike for whatever He has commanded.
is the true essence of Lá iláha illalláh, contrary to the practice of those who
utter this testimonial with their words, but contradict it with their actions.
These people, do not benefit from saying La iláha illallah.
any act of worship to other than Alláh and associating any among the creation
with Him in worship are acts of disbelief, even if one pronounced La iláha
illalláh a thousand times with his tongue. It was once said to Al Hasan
Al-Basri: “Some people say that those who proclaim La iláha illalláh shall
enter Paradise.” He said, “Yes. For those who proclaim this word and fulfill
its implications and requirements, then saying La iláha illalláh shall enter
them into Paradise.” In addition, Wahb bin Munbih asked: “Is not La iláha
illalláh the key to Paradise?” He said, “Yes. However, every key has teeth; if
you use a key that has teeth it will open for you, otherwise it will not open.”
these types of people will not benefit from proclaiming La iláha illalláh
because they do not say it from their hearts.
We advise you, O Muslims, to never think that Shirk (Polytheism, which
contradicts La iláha illalláh is far away from you, because there are
tremendous hindrances and lures that seek to corrupt the sincerity of your
uttering La iláha illalláh.
Where are those who associate none
with Alláh in regards to their love, fear, hope and worship? Where are those
who direct their humbleness, submissiveness, reverence, intention and reliance
to Alláh Alone, all the while trusting in Him for each and every thing? All
these qualities are parts of the meaning of La iláha illalláh.
slaves of Alláh, rush to the forgiveness of your Lord and a paradise as wide as
the heavens and earth prepared for the Muttaqin (the pious). They are those who
fulfill the duties and responsibilities of La iláha illalláh. They are those,
who have not placed any other iláh (god) along with Alláh.
I am a plain warner to you from Him. Hold on to the pillars of La iláha
illalláh. Surely, those who reject what La iláha illalláh rejects, assert what
it asserts…, then this word will elevate them to the highest grades the grades
of La iláha illalláh.
Alláh direct us all to the blessings of the Noble Qurán and benefit us in
whatever is in it of the Áyát and Wise Dhikr. I say this and ask Alláh the
Great, and the Most Honored for forgiveness for me, you and all Muslims for
every sin. Seek His forgiveness, for He is the Most Forgiving, Most Merciful. {Source: Selected Friday Sermons}
this hadith on the value that Allah the Exalted placed onLa iláha illalláh
Abu Sa`eed al-Khudri said, that the
Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) said:
(Alayhi salam) said: O Lord! Teach me something that I can remember You with
and I can supplicate You with. Allah said:“Say ‘La ilaha ill Allah’, O Musa.” He (Musa) said: All of your servants
say this. He (Allah) said: “If the seven Heavens and those who dwell in them
other than Me and the seven Earths are put into one pan (of the scale) and ‘La
ilaha ill Allah’ is put into the other; ‘La ilaha ill Allah’ would be heavier.”
[Ibn Hibbaan and Haakim]
The Messenger of Allah (Sall’Allahu
alayhi wa salam) said (narrated by Jabir bin `Abdullah):
best Dhikr (remembering Allah) is La ilaha illallah and the best supplication
is Al-Hamdu Lillah.” [At-Tirmidhi, An-Nasa’i and Ibn Majah]
Let’s ensure that we never forget to
make the letters La ilaha illallah a constant part of our living moments and to
live by what those letters stand for. Remember, our success in this life and
the hereafter is all tied to La ilaha illallah.
Source: iqrasense.com
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