By Abu Rumaysah:
In the Name of Allâh, the Most Beneficent, the Most Merciful

Finally, we praise Allah,
and ask for His forgiveness; we witness that there is only one Allah, and that
Muhammad sallAllahu 'alayhi wa sallam is His last Messenger and slave.
May Allah always guide us closer to the truth, ameen.
Many people today are
unaware of the many innovations (bid'ah) that have entered the religion, nor
the importance of staying away from them. It is now common to see the
people who speak out against innovations, being abused and vilified, and
accused of being backed by Saudi Arabia etc. So we felt it our duty, as
part of enjoining the good and forbidding the evil, to clarify the position of
Ahl us-Sunnah wal Jamaa'ah regarding this important subject.
We shall begin by
examining the proofs that the deen (religion) is complete, and is therefore in
no need of being added to. Next we illustrate the importance of sufficing
with and submersing oneself in the Sunnah, along with some strikingly relevant
prophecies regarding its abandonment, and a definition of the term
'bid'ah'. In case that is not enough to convince you, we then provide
statements of the Sahaabah and scholars from the following two generations to
reinforce these principles. With the ammunition in place, we then apply
it to refute modern-day justifications for bid'ahs.
The Deen is complete
Allah says (what
means), "This day I have
perfected your religion for you, completed my favour upon you, and have chosen
for you Islam as your religion." [al-Maa'ida 5:4] This ayah
embodies a clear statement that the deen has been completed and thus has no
need of addition or deletion. Also the Prophet sallAllahu 'alayhi wa
sallam said, "There is
nothing that Allah ordered you with except that I have ordered you with it, and
there is nothing that Allah forbade you from except that I have forbidden you
from it." [Bayhaqi] So
the Prophet sallAllahu 'alayhi wa sallam fulfilled the trust placed upon him by
Allah completely, explaining the religion to the people in its outward and
inward form, making clear the lawful from the prohibited, the encouraged from
the discouraged, to the extent that he taught us the manners of using the
toilet, having sex with our spouses etc.
Allah says in His
Book (what means), "And
We have revealed to you a Book explaining everything." [16:89]
"We have
neglected nothing in the Book." [6:37]
So in the Qur'an are
explained the principles of the religion, tawheed in all its categories, and
even the manners of sitting in circles, visiting other people's houses, correct
clothing and much more.
The Importance of
Sticking to the Sunnah
Allah says (what
means), "Indeed you have
in the Messenger of Allah an excellent example for the one who hopes in Allah
and looks to the Last Day." [33:21]
He also says (what
means), "So if you obey
him (Muhammad sallAllahu 'alayhi wa sallam), then you will be guided." [24:54]
Also the Prophet sallAllahu
'alayhi wa sallam said, "I
have left behind me two things: as long as you cling to them you will never go
astray. They are the Book of Allah and my Sunnah (life example)." [al-Haakim] And he also said, "...and you will live to see
great differing, so cling to my Sunnah and the Sunnah of the rightly-guided
Khalifas after me, even if it be with your molar teeth..." [Bukhaaree]
The taabi'ee [2nd
generation Muslim] Imaam az-Zuhree commented, "Clinging to the Sunnah is
to be saved, as Imaam Maalik said, 'like the Ark of Nuh,' he who embarked upon
it was saved, whereas he who did not was destroyed." [ad-Daarimee, one of
the main collections of hadith that deals mainly with the sayings of the
Sahaabah and those after them.]
In these narrations
are clear evidence that the way of salvation and safety is to closely follow
the Sunnah of the Prophet sallAllahu 'alayhi wa sallam, and not to deviate from
his path; not accepting the guidance of another individual, nor a corrupted
form of the Sunnah. Yet, we are taught that there will come a time when
the Sunnah will become so corrupted that this corruption will become accepted
as the norm by the general people, and those that call to reviving and
purifying the Sunnah will be regarded as strangers and slandered. The
Prophet sallAllahu 'alayhi wa sallam said, "Islam
began as something strange and it will return as something strange, the way it
began. So Tooba (a tree in Paradise) is for the strangers." He
was asked, "Who are the strangers?" to which he replied, "Those
that purify and correct what the people have corrupted of my Sunnah." [at-Tabaraanee in al-Kabeer 6/202]
And what is this
corruption of the Sunnah? It is innovation, introducing into the pure
religion of Allah the Most High new ways of worshipping Him which He has not
taught us, blemishing His religion with our whims and desires, something which Allah
Himself condemns when He says (what means), "...or
do they have partners that legislate some religion which Allah has not given
permission for?" [42:21]
And the Companion
Abdullaah ibn Mas'ood lamented, "How will it be when the trials overcome
you, in which the old grow senile and the young grow up. And the people
take the bid'ah as the Sunnah, and when it changes they say the Sunnah has
changed." It was then said, "When will that be O Abu
Abdurrahmaan?" He replied, "When your speakers are many and
your scholars are few, and your wealthy ones are plenty and trustworthy ones
are few." [ad-Daarimee]
How true this
statement is today, when the innovations have become so widespread in the
religion that the people have taken them as the Sunnah. And when the true
scholars speak out against the innovations they are looked down upon and called
abusive names like 'Wahhaabee', because to the common folk it seems that the
scholars are changing the Sunnah. To Allah we complain of the ignorance
of our time!
Only Allah has the
right to tell us how to worship Him
Allah Says (what
means), "Follow that
which has been revealed from your Lord and do not follow as Friends and
Protectors other than Him." [7:3]
Ibn Kathir says that in this verse is a categorical statement that the
privilege to tell people how to worship Allah belongs to Allah alone
[paraphrased from his tafseer 2/208].
And how could it be
otherwise when the true meaning of ibaadah (worship) is to worship Allah in a
way which He is pleased with - not according to our desires: "...and who is more
astray than the one who follows his own whims and desires, devoid of
Revelation?" [28:50]
In this regard RasulAllah
sallAllahu 'alayhi wa sallam said, "I
warn you of the newly invented-matters (in the religion), and every
newly-invented matter is an innovation, and every innovation is misguidance,
and every misguidance is in Hellfire." [an-Nisaa'ee]
He also used to say
at the beginning of his lectures, "...and
the best speech is the speech of Allah, and the best guidance is the guidance
of Muhammad sallAllahu 'alayhi wa sallam, and the worst of all affairs are the
newly-invented matters (in the religion)." [Muslim]
And he commanded us, "Whosoever does an action
which we have not commanded then it will be rejected," [Muslim] and also, "Whosoever introduces into
this religion of ours that which is not part of it then it must be
rejected." [Ahmad]
"And in this
hadith is clear evidence that every action which is not legislated in the
Sharee'ah (Islamic law) must be rejected." [Jamia al-Usool 1/120 of Ibn
Rajab, the eighth century Hanbali scholar well-known for his extensive
knowledge and great piety.] So every bid'ah that is introduced in the
religion has to be rejected because only Allah and His Messenger sallAllahu
'alayhi wa sallam have the right to legislate in the Sharee'ah of Islam.
So in the light of these hadith what is the complete Islamic definition of a
bid'ah? "A newly- invented way (in beliefs or actions) in the
religion, in imitation of the Sharee'ah, by which nearness to Allah is sought,
not being supported by any authentic proof - neither in its foundations nor in
the manner in which it is performed." [As defined in 'al-I'tisaam' 1/231
of ash- Shaatibee, the sixth century Maaliki scholar of Usool.]
And in what has
preceded is ample evidence for any fair-minded Muslim that all bid'ah is
blameworthy and in fact a major sin.
The claims of the
misguided people
however, the Muslims are in such a state today that the words of Allah and His
Messenger sallAllahu 'alayhi wa sallam are no longer enough to convince
them. Certain groups of Muslims have come up with a new belief - the
belief of "bid'ah hasanah". They claim that a scholar can introduce a
new action of worship in Islam, as long as it does not contradict any of the
principles of Islam, a belief which has absolutely no foundation in Islam at
all. So we are now forced to resort to the statements of the great Imaams
of guidance after the Prophet sallAllahu 'alayhi wa sallam in response.
The sayings of the
Abdullah bin 'Umar
said, "Every innovation is misguidance, even if the people regard it as
good." [ad- Daarimee] This narration is sufficient to demolish the
idea of a 'good bid'ah', for you have the like of this Companion from amongst
the most knowledgeable Companions of RasulAllah sallAllahu 'alayhi wa sallam
saying the exact opposite. So who do you choose to follow, Ibn Umar or
these modern day shaykhs and mullahs who are Imaams of their own whims and
Abdullah bin Abbaas
said, "Do not sit with the people of innovation, for surely their sittings
are a sickness for the hearts." [ash-Sharee'ah of al-Ajuri p65]
Whenever he sat in a
circle of knowledge, Mu'aadh ibn Jabal used to say, "...and I warn you of
what is innovated, for all that is innovated is misguidance."
[ash-Sharee'ah p55 and Abu Dawud with similar wording.]
Abdullah ibn Mas'ood
said, "Follow the Sunnah of Muhammad and do not innovate, for what you
have been commanded is enough for you." [ad-Daarimee]
Hudhayfah ibn
al-Yaman said, "Every act of worship which the Companions did not do, do
not do it." [Abu Dawud]
'Amr ibn Salmah said,
"We used to sit by the door of Abdullah ibn Mas'ood before the morning
prayer, so that when he came out we would walk with him to the masjid.
(One day) Abu Moosa al-Ash'aree came to us and said, 'Has Abu 'Abdurrahmaan
come out yet?' We replied, 'No.' So he sat down with us until
h (ibn Mas'ood) came out. When he came out we all stood along with
him, so Abu Moosa said to him, 'O Abu Abdurrahmaan! I have just seen
something in the masjid which I deemed to be evil, but all praise is for Allah,
I did not see anything except good.' He enquired, 'Then what is
it?' (Abu Moosa) replied, 'If you live you will see it. I saw in
the masjid people sitting in circles awaiting the prayer. In each circle
they had pebbles in their hands and a man would say, "Repeat Allahu Akbar
a hundred times." So they would repeat it a hundred times.
Then he would say, "Say Laa ilaaha illAllah a hundred times."
So they would say it a hundred times. Then he would say, "Say
subhaanAllah a hundred times." So they would say it a hundred
times.' (Ibn Mas'ood) asked, 'What did you say to them?' (Abu
Moosa) said, 'I did not say anything to them. Instead I waited to hear
your view or what you declared.' (Ibn Mas'ood) replied, 'If only you had
ordered them to count up the evil deeds they acquired and assured them that
their good deeds would not be lost!' Then we went along with him (Ibn
Mas'ood) until he came to one of these circles and stood and said, 'What is
this which I see you doing?' They replied, 'O Abu Abdurrahmaan! These
are pebbles upon which we are counting takbeer, tahleel and tasbeeh.' He
said, 'Count up your evil deeds. I assure you that none of your good
deeds will be lost. Woe to you, O Ummah of Muhammad sallAllahu 'alayhi wa
sallam! How quickly you go to destruction! These are the Companions
of your Prophet sallAllahu 'alayhi wa sallam and who are widespread.
There are his sallAllahu 'alayhi wa sallam clothes which have not yet decayed
and his bowl which is unbroken. By Him in Whose Hand is my soul!
Either you are upon a religion better guided than the religion of Muhammad sallAllahu
'alayhi wa sallam or you are opening the door of misguidance.' They said,
'O Abu Abdurrahmaan! By Allah, we only intended good.' He said,
'How many there are who intend good but do not achieve it. Indeed Allah's
Messenger sallAllahu 'alayhi wa sallam said to us, "A people will recite the
Qur'aan but it will not pass beyond their throats." By Allah!
I do not know, perhaps most of them are from you.' Then he left
Umar ibn Salmah
(the sub-narrator) said, "We saw most of those people fighting against us
on the day of Nahrawaan, along with the Khawaarij." [ad-Daarimee in his
Sunan, 1/79]
Isn't this
enough? The companions tell us to follow the way of RasulAllah sallAllahu
'alayhi wa sallam and not invent new ways worship? "Whomsoever Allah guides to
the truth, none can misguide, and whomsoever Allah misguides, none can
guide." [Muslim]
The sayings from the
second and third generation scholars
Hasan al-Basree said,
"Do not sit with the people of innovation. Do not debate with them
or listen to them." [ad-Daarimee 1/121].
Abul 'Aaliyah said,
"Learn Islam. Then when you have learned Islam, do not turn away from it
to the right or to the left, but be upon the Straight Path and be upon the
Sunnah of your Prophet and that which his Companions were upon... and beware of
these innovations because they cause enmity and hatred amongst you, but stick
to the original state of affairs that was there before they divided."
[al-Hilya of Abu Nuaym 2/218].
Sufyaan ath-Thawri
said, "Innovations are more beloved to shaytaan than sin, since a sin may
be repented from but an innovation is not repented from." [Sharh Usool
I'tiqaad of al-Laalikaaee (d. 414h) no.238, the great 4th century Imaam who
wrote on the belief of Ahl usSunnah.] This is because the innovator
believes he is doing something good and therefore sees no need to repent.
He also said, " cling to the original state of affairs,"
[al-Hilya 6/376] meaning the way of the Prophet sallAllahu alayhi wa sallam and
his companions.
Imaam al-Awzaa'ee
said, "Patiently restrict yourselves to the Sunnah, and pause where the
people paused, say what they said, and avoid what they avoided. Take to
the path of the Salaf (predecessors), for indeed, what was sufficient for them
is sufficient for you." [ash-Sharee'ah p58]
Ibraaheem al-Masayrah
said, "He who honours an innovator has assisted in the demolition of Islam."
[Sharh Usool I'tiqaad 1/139]
The sayings of the
Four Imaams
Imaam Abu Hanifah
said, "Stick to the narrations and the way of the Salaf, and beware of
newly-invented matters for all of it is innovation." [Sawnul Mantaq of
as-Suyuti p32]
Imaam Malik said,
"He who innovates an innovation in Islam regarding it as something good,
has claimed that Muhammad (sallallahu alayhi wa sallam) has betrayed his trust
to deliver the message as Allah Says (what means), "This day I have perfected for
you your religion." And whatsoever was not part of the religion
then, is not part of the religion today." [al-I'tisaam] He also
said, "How evil are the people of innovation, we do not give them
salaam." [al-Ibaanah of Ibn Battah (died 387h) no. 441]
Imaam ash-Shaafi'ee
said, "Whosoever considers an innovation to be good has corrected the
Prophet." [Bulghul Maraam of Ibn Hajar (available in English) p190
footnote 2] And all that has been related from him that contradicts this
statement, regarding innovation as being of two types is either weak or
baseless as al-Haafidh adh-Dhahabee and others from the scholars of hadith
Imaam Ahmad said,
"The fundmental principles of the Sunnah with us are: ... avoiding
innovation and every innovation is misguidance." [Usool usSunnah
(available in English) p.1]
Imaam al-Bukhari
said, "I have met more than a thousand scholars...(then he named the more
prominent in each of the lands he visited) and I found that they all agreed on
the following points: ...they all used to prohibit bid'ah - that which the
Prophet and his Companions were not upon, because of the saying of Allah,
'...and hold fast to the rope of Allah and do not separate.' " [From his
article on belief, quoted in Sharh Usool I'tiqaad 1/170. Amongst the
scholars he met were Ahmad bin Hanbal, Abu Ubaid al-Qaasim, ibn Ma'een, ibn
Aasim, ibn Abi Shaybah, and Abu Saalih the scribe of Layth bin Sa'ad]
What we have narrated
to you here is a small number of narrations from amongst literally hundreds
from the early scholars of Islam with regard to the sin of innovation. It
is unfortunate that the later generations of Muslims have lost contact with our
Salaf, for it is through them that we gain the true understanding of the
religion, and they were prolific in speaking out against and writing about
innovation - even today we have whole volumes of works from them dealing with
this topic alone. If only we would turn our attention to the legacy of
our Salaf!
The arguments of the
This is a time when
everyone is satisfied with his opinion, hence the multitude of innovations
commonly witnessed today, despite the plethora of proofs presented above.
Know that every example which the ignorant ones bring, from the actions of the
Companions, to support their belief in 'good innovations', is misunderstood and
manifests their lack of knowledge and concern for the Sunnah. All of the
following examples either have a clear basis in the Sharee'ah, or occurred due
to necessity, or from the ijtihaad of the Companion in question - none of them
being an innovation. Insh'Allah we shall mention a few of the more common
1. When Umar, raddi Allahu
anhu, was the Khalifah, he collected the Muslims to pray in congregation for
tarawih prayers, and said, "What a good bid'ah this is." [Bukhari]. From
this, they derive their belief of a good innovation. Firstly, it becomes
necessary to explain the context of what happened. When the Prophet sallAllahu
alayhi wa sallam first emigrated to Madeenah, the Muslims prayed tarawih
individually, and then for three nights they prayed in congregation behind the
Prophet sallAllahu alayhi wa sallam. After this, he stopped them doing so
saying, "I feared that it
would become obligatory upon you." So after this the Muslims
would pray individually or in small congregations throughout the rule of Abu
Bakr, and the beginning of 'Umar's rule. Then 'Umar came to the masjid
and saw the Muslims praying in small groups behind different Imaams, so he
collected them together in one congregation behind one Imaam and made the
aforementioned statement [Bukhari]. So how can this action of 'Umar be
understood to be a new act of worship when the Prophet sallAllahu alayhi wa
sallam did it during his lifetime? Secondly, the Prophet sallAllahu
alayhi wa sallam gave the reason why he stopped the congregational prayer,
because revelation was still descending, and he feared that praying in
congregation might become obligatory upon his nation and hence make the
religion hard upon them.
After the death of
RasulAllah sallAllahu alayhi wa sallam, revelation ceased so this concern was
no longer necessary. Hence Umar raddi Allahu anhu reinstated the tarawih
prayer in congregation during his rule because he knew that his action could
not be made obligatory upon the Ummah. Thirdly, all the companions agreed
upon this action of 'Umar, thus there was a consensus (ijma) on it. And
the scholars of Usool (fundamental principles) have stated that ijma cannot
occur except when there is a clear text for it in the Sharee'ah.
So what is the
correct understanding of 'Umar's words, "a good bid'ah"? The
word bid'ah here is to be understood in its linguistic sense, "something
new," because tarawih in one congregation was not present during the rule
of Abu Bakr and the beginning of 'Umar's rule, hence in that sense it was
something new. The Sharee'ah sense (defined earlier) cannot be understood
here because it does not fulfil the conditions of being a new act of
worship. Abu Yusuf said, "I asked Abu Hanifah about the tarawih and
what 'Umar did and he said, 'The tarawih is a stressed Sunnah, and 'Umar did
not do that from his own opinion, nor was there in his action any innovation,
and he did not enjoin it except that there was a foundation for it with him and
authorisation from the Prophet sallAllahu 'alayhi wa sallam.'" [Sharh
Mukhtaar as quoted from him in al- Ibdaa of Shaykh Ali Mahfooz p80]
2. The collection of
the Qur'aan into one book after the death of RasulAllah sallAllahu alayhi wa
sallam and the statement of Abu Bakr, "How can we do that which was not
done by the Prophet sallAllahu 'alayhi wa sallam." [Bukhari] The proof,
according to them, being that the companions collected the Qur'aan in a book
form after the time of the Prophet sallAllahu alayhi wa sallam without him
enjoining it - hence it being an innovation which the companions agreed upon as
being good.
Upon closer
examination this is actually an evidence against these people, not for
them. When 'Umar came to Abu Bakr and said that the Qur'aan had to be
collected as a book, he did not argue on the basis of bid'ah hasanah, rather he
argued on the basis of necessity - because many of the people who h d memorized
the Qur'aan by heart were being martyred, and therefore the Qur'aan was in
danger of being lost and hence it had to be collected in book form. When
Abu Bakr replied, he did not say, "Oh yes I agree with you, this is a
bid'ah hasanah," rather he argued that the Prophet sallAllahu alayhi wa
sallam did not do this, so how could they? It was only after the
necessity was made clear to him that he agreed.
So, in conclusion,
the collection of the Qur'aan as a book was something the companions agreed
upon due to necessity, not considering it to a good bid'ah.
3. The hadith, "Whoever starts in Islam a
good practice (sunnah), he gets the reward of it and the reward of all those
that act on it. And whosoever starts in Islam an evil practice (sunnah),
he gets the evil of it and the evil of all those that act on it." [Muslim] The evidence that they
derive from this hadith is that people can invent new practices in Islam which
are either good or bad. Of course, if they were to take the hadith in its
full context then it is not possible to derive this meaning.
The context of the
hadith states that a group of poor people came to the Prophet sallAllahu alayhi
wa sallam so he asked those around him to give charity, but no one came forward
- so much so that signs of anger could be discerned on the face of RasulAllah
sallAllahu alayhi wa sallam, so one of the companions stepped forward and gave
charity, so the Prophet sallAllahu alayhi wa sallam said the above hadith.
Firstly, the word
'sunnah' which is used in this hadith cannot be understood to mean the Sunnah of
RasulAllah sallAllahu alayhi wa sallam, because that would imply that there is
something bad in the Sunnah; rather it is to be understood in its linguistic
meaning of 'practice'.
Secondly, this action
the companion did was not something new in Islam, since giving charity was
already legislated from the very first days of Islam; rather he was simply
implementing it, so the statement of the Prophet sallAllahu alayhi wa sallam
"a good sunnah" was said at a time when the people were reluctant to
give charity, so one man started to give the charity and others followed him in
it. Thus, he revived a Sunnah at a time when the people were reluctant to
practice it, and this is the meaning of "a good sunnah." Hence,
in the early works of 'aqeedah, this hadith was included under the chapter
headings, "The reward of the one who renews the Sunnah." [For example
Sharh Usool I'tiqaad 1/50]
The meaning of
"a bad sunnah" is similar. It is renewing or starting something
that the Sharee'ah has already declared to be bad, and the Prophet sallAllahu
alayhi wa sallam gave the example of the two sons of Aadam alayhis salaam wa
'alaa Nabiyina, one killing the other. So upon the murderer was the sin
of the killing and the sin of all those that killed after him, without their
sins being reduced.
Thirdly, the hadith
uses the terms 'good' and 'bad', and the Sharee'ah has already defined in its
totality all that is good and all that is bad. This is what is pointed to
in the statement of Imaam ashShaafi'ee in his refutation of Istihsaan
(declaring something to be good) when he said, "Whoever declares something
to be good, he has declared it part of Sharee'ah." [ar-Risaala]
These are just a few
of many of the feeble examples that these misguided people bring to support
their belief, and it should now be clear that none of them hold any weight, so
let us learn from this the great importance of studying the Qur'aan and Sunnah
in its context, with the explanation of the Companions - after that, we leave
them floundering in the abyss of misguidance that they have dug for themselves,
whilst asking Allah to guide them!
So once this basic
subject becomes clear, a subject which no one can deny, then know that all
these innovations in the deen such as kissing the thumbs when the name of Muhammad
sallAllahu alayhi wa sallam is mentioned, doing dhikr in congregation with one
voice, doing dhikr with excessive bodily movements such as swinging the head
from left to right or dancing in circles, invoking salaam upon the Prophet
sallaAllahu alayhi wa sallam before the adhaan is called, seeking intercession
and blessings at the graves of dead 'saints', raising graves and building
memorials over them, the 'Eed of the Prophet's birthday and hundreds of others;
all of them are a clear denial of the above ayaat, ahaadeeth and narrations of
the Salaf, for none of them were practised by the Companions.
We leave you with
this hadith: " he
who follows my Sunnah has been guided, and he who follows the innovation has
been destroyed." [Ahmad]
And the Saying of Allah
the Most Wise (which means), "And
whosoever contends with the Messenger after guidance has been plainly conveyed
to him, and follows a way other than the way of the believers (the Companions),
We shall leave him in the path he has chosen and land him in Hell - what an
evil destination!" [4:115]
And Allah Knows Best.
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