the Name of Allâh, the Most Beneficent, the Most Merciful
Dr. Abdullah Hakim Quick
all Praises are due to Allah, we praise Him, seek His assistance, and ask His
forgiveness. And we seek refuge in Allah from the evil of ourselves and the
wickedness of our deeds. Verily whomever Allah guides there is none to take him
astray; and whomever Allah allows to stray, there is none to guide. I bear
witness that there is nothing worthy of worship but Allah, He is one and has no
partners; and I bear witness that Muhammad is His servant and last Messenger.
May Allah send His choicest blessing and Peace to Muhammad, his companions,
family and all those who call to his way and establish the Sunnah till the Day
of Judgment. As to what follows:
are finding themselves under great pressure today. From all sides, and in
various forms, subtle and blatant, attacks are being launched against Muslim
individuals, families and communities. Pressure is being applied to our eyes
with the scanty summer fashions and rash of indecency on the television and in
the movies. In Canada, women have been given the legal right to walk around
topless in public places. Already, women can be seen mowing their lawns,
sunbathing, or strolling down the street without any blouse, bra or shirt.
Pressure is being applied to our ears by the constant swearing, backbiting, and
scandal that we are confronted with daily. Pressure is being applied to our
hands by the unavailability of jobs or loans and the growing availability of
interest, mortgages, and gambling. Attacks in the media against Islam are on
the increase. Muslims are blamed for slavery, wife assault, terrorism, female
circumcision, ignorance and animosity to civilization. Recently, the Yahud in
Israel have drawn pictures of the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) as a pig and posted
them on Muslim homes and businesses.
Believers feel that their back is against the wall and the whole earth is
closing in on them. They do not see any escape or relief in the next few
decades. A1lah tells us in the Blessed Qur'an: "And whoever keeps his duty
to Allah, Allah will make a way out for him and provide for him from where he
knows not. And whoever depends on Allah, Allah is sufficient for him. Surely
Allah will achieve His purpose. He has made a limit for all things. "

pain and suffering of the Makkan period forged a tight relationship between the
Muslims and purified their relationship with Allah. If a person had accepted
Islam for fame, glory, wealth or position, he would soon turn back on his
heels. Arrogance, pride, envy and racism were eliminated and the Muslims came
to see each other as being closer and more important than their own families.
We should remember their struggle as we endure today's trials and tribulations.
throughout the planet are in a state of siege. Some find themselves in a hot
war where the fire of the military is all around them. Others find themselves
in a war of ideas where the bullets are propaganda and insults. Sometimes the
effects of psychological warfare are more devastating than military warfare for
they can last for more than a generation.
the wake of this crisis, people are making critical choices about Islam. Many
are choosing to accept Islam, for despite the negative attacks, they realize
that Islam is the only way out of the present corruption and tyranny. Islam is
the only organized way of life that can categorically oppose homosexuality,
racism and secularism. Only the Qur'an and Sunnah have cohesive arguments and a
moral system that can be applied in conjunction with science, politics,
business and everyday life. Other people are asking themselves, "Should I
practice Islam completely or should I continue being Muslim in name or by
culture?" They see Islamic practice in today's society as swimming against
a tidal wave. So they justify selling pork, liquor, gambling tickets or
committing adultery as part of modern life. They fail to recognize that
"Harem" is for everybody and for all times.
do we bring about change in our conditions and enable those who are undecided
about practicing Islam to see the light of Allah's guidance? The Prophet
Muhammad (pbuh) was reported to have said, "Islam began as a stranger and
will return to being a stranger with glad tidings (or a certain huge tree in
Paradise) is for those who are strange. They asked, "O Messenger of
Allah" Who are the strangers?" He replied, "Those who rectify
(themselves and others) when the people are corrupt." (Al-Tabarani: Sahih)
who have been blessed to revert to Islam or to practice Islam in the full sense
have a great responsibility. The Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) was "Uswatun
Hasanah" (a fine example) of the practical application of Islam. He not
only talked about Islam but he lived it in all spheres of his life. In order
for us to make this critical change, we need to re-analyze our Islamic theory
and practice. Great emphasis has been placed upon "ibadat" or the
ritual aspects of Islam. Now we need to focus on Muamalat or inter-personal
relationships. How many times do we hear about a Muslim who prays and fasts but
he is untrustworthy, or a Muslim who wears Islamic clothing yet cheats in business!
We need to look at the "Inner Muslim" and bring this personality to
the surface.
Islamic history there were many illustrious scholars who searched for the inner
aspects of Islam yet were also versed in Shari'ah. With so much falsehood being
presented today as scholarship, it is important for us to find those scholars
who were balanced and respected by all. Imam Yahya ibn Sharaf ibn Murri ibn
Hasan an-Nawawi was in this category. He was born in the village of Nawa in
1233 CE and in his early years rose to be a recognized scholar for his
knowledge of Hadith and his piety. He recognized that the Prophet (pbuh) was
visited by the Angel Jibril and asked about Islam and Iman. He was also
questioned about Ihsan (righteousness). The Prophet's response was that
"Ihsan is to worship Allah as though you see Him and if you cannot do
this, then worship Him as though He sees you." So Jibril asked about the
inner Muslim, the conscience or the essence of the person. Muslims today need
to look into themselves and find that inner person. We need to ask ourselves,
"Why do we pray, fast, give Zakat or go to Hajj? Are they done for Allah
or for the people's attention and pleasure?"
An-Nawawi laid down five principles for Ihsan which we need to study and
implement into our lives. He also gave us an action plan as to how to attain
Fearing Allah in the secret and the open. This is attained through
scrupulousness and being upright. The Prophet (pbuh) once said to one of his
companions, "Say, I believe in Allah, and then be upright." We need
to constantly look at ourselves and examine our intentions for doing what we
Living according to the Sunnah in word and deed. This state can be attained
through caution and good character. Remember that the Prophet has informed us,
"Haste is from the Shaitan." Putting Islam into our character will
force us to implement the guidance instead of just spouting it from our mouths.
Indifference to whether others accept or reject us. This state can be attained
through patience and entrusting our affairs with Allah. We need to stop looking
around us and being afraid of whether society accepts us or whether people will
be angry at our Islam. If we are right with Allah, then there is nothing to
Satisfaction with Allah, the Most High, in scarcity and plenty. This state can
be attained through contentment with what one has and submission to the Will of
Turning to Allah in happiness and affliction. This state can be attained
through having gratitude to Allah in happiness and taking refuge in Him in
Allah give us the benefit of the scholarship and striving of this humble yet
profound thinker and may Allah help us to embody the words and warnings of the
Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) who left us in an authentic hadith reported in
Al-Tirmidhi: "Two characteristics are not found together in a hypocrite:
good manners and understanding of religion (fiqh fi-Din)."
Allah protect the weak and oppressed of the Ummah of Muhammad (pbuh) and give
us the strength to be shining examples of this clear way of life. Surely Allah
is the Off-forgiving and He has power over all affairs.
Source: The Message -
Canada, August 1997 |
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